How would you rate %Fncandidate%?

Your opinion is appreciated, and it only takes one minute to give your feedback.

Look for any red flags in regards to the candidate's experience

Using examples, describe whether the candidate works effectively with individuals and teams

Using examples, describe whether the candidate communicates clearly-verbally and in written form

Using examples, describe whether the candidate thinks broadly, is open to new ideas, and views challenges from multiple angles

Strength of the candidate's educational background
Strength of the candidate's educational background
Strength of the candidate's prior work experience
Strength of the candidate's prior work experience
Candidate's job-specific skills
Candidate's job-specific skills
Candidate's match to company values
Candidate's match to company values

Please describe your overall impressions of his candidate, as well as any traits or skills you believe would make them especially suitable for this role.

Thanks for your feedback on %Fncandidate%!

Please contact us, if you have any further questions.