Share your experience with Superboss Inc.

Your opinion is appreciated, and it only takes one minute to give your feedback.

Not dedicated at all - Very dedicated

Not well at all - Very well

Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree
I feel safe at my workplace.
I feel safe at my workplace.
I feel safe on my way to work.
I feel safe on my way to work.
There is regular exchange about safety related issues between employees and management.
There is regular exchange about safety related issues between employees and management.
Any security concerns raised are treated with high urgency in my organization.
Any security concerns raised are treated with high urgency in my organization.
All incidents are investigated quickly in order to improve safety at the workplace as soon as possible.
All incidents are investigated quickly in order to improve safety at the workplace as soon as possible.
I am aware of the building's emergency evacuation plan.
I am aware of the building's emergency evacuation plan.
I know the location of my building's emergency utensils (such as fire extinguishers or first aid kits).
I know the location of my building's emergency utensils (such as fire extinguishers or first aid kits).
I feel informed about possible safety hazards at my workplace.
I feel informed about possible safety hazards at my workplace.

Thank you for your feedback!

Please contact us, if you have any further questions.