Share your experience with Superboss Inc.

Your opinion is appreciated, and it only takes one minute to give your feedback.

Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree
I understand what is expected of me in doing my job.
I understand what is expected of me in doing my job.
Communication from management is clear and affective.
Communication from management is clear and affective.
I get the support I need from my line manager.
I get the support I need from my line manager.
I feel that I am a part of a goal-oriented team.
I feel that I am a part of a goal-oriented team.
We work well together on my team.
We work well together on my team.
There is open and honest two-way communication on my team.
There is open and honest two-way communication on my team.
I have tools / equipment / technology I need to be most effective in my role.
I have tools / equipment / technology I need to be most effective in my role.
I am happy with the recognition and promotion I've received in this organisation to date.
I am happy with the recognition and promotion I've received in this organisation to date.
I would recommend this company to family or friends as a great place to work.
I would recommend this company to family or friends as a great place to work.

Thank you for your feedback!

Please contact us, if you have any further questions.