Share your experience with Superboss Inc.

Your opinion is appreciated, and it only takes one minute to give your feedback.

Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree
I feel valued and appreciated in my position.
I feel valued and appreciated in my position.
I receive valuable feedback from my direct manager regularly.
I receive valuable feedback from my direct manager regularly.
I feel that I can talk to my direct manager about problems honestly and openly.
I feel that I can talk to my direct manager about problems honestly and openly.
Relationships between colleagues are open, friendly and respectful.
Relationships between colleagues are open, friendly and respectful.
The office atmosphere in my organization is pleasant.
The office atmosphere in my organization is pleasant.
I look forward to coming to work.
I look forward to coming to work.

Thank you for your feedback!

Please contact us, if you have any further questions.